Tag Archives: motivational

If My Life was a Movie…

If my life was a movie
I would make myself a warrior Queen of my own kingdom
I would be in control of my own life
My own destiny.
I would be the hero of others struggling to find their own place, their voice in this wild world.
Monsters can scare us
But they can never break our courage, our joy, and our confidence to be all that we want to be in this world.
In this wild world that tries to control me, I know what I want, and what I want to accomplish.
I have the power to say no to negativity and say yes to positivity.
True love and happiness is all we need in this crazy world.


‘Peace be with You’: Believing in Jesus

Hello Everyone:)!

Sorry if I have not posted anything but these past few days have been full of reflection, and being busy that I did not have time to post anything, or there are days when something worth posting has hit me to post about it.
Last Sunday was Easter Sunday and it was such a great and joyful experience seeing many people come to Sunday Mass at St. Angela Merici, mostly because of course it was Easter and many people go to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I enjoyed listening during Mass the beautiful music and the bible story of how Jesus resurrected on the third day. 


This Sunday, was the second Sunday of Easter which means that its again another day of celebrating our Savior Jesus Christ and how great it is to believe in Him when we have been doubting, or not believing in Him. The Bible story of today’s Mass, is about Thomas one of the disciples who did not believe that Jesus Christ was back and that the rest of the other disciples had seen Him, and believed He was back. It was not until later that Thomas saw Jesus, and invited Thomas to prove his wounds; that in so Thomas upon touching Jesus and seeing his wounds that he believed it was really Jesus Christ himself who came back.


When I read this bible story today, it was a story I could relate to because of the many times I had shut down Jesus Christ from my life, there were times when I would not believe that Jesus was with me, watching over me; I would especially feel like that whenever I had a really tough dark moment or day. Believing that Jesus Christ loves me and is always with me during those dark times was, and still is at times a challenge for me.


I am learning to believe everyday that Jesus Christ does love so much, and that he is always with me no matter how many times I doubt him; just like Thomas was doubting at first.

“The victory is for those who believe that Sunday is always on the way!”



International Day of Happiness: What Happiness is to Me :)

Hello Everyone:)!

Today is International Day of Happiness and I wanted to share with you what happiness is to me. To me happiness is waking up each day knowing that it is a new day with a fresh start, to forget about the troubles that would worry me to death the day before or the weeks before. Happiness is remembering all of the good and great times I have had with my family, friends, and school. Although I am twenty-three, I can still remember the happy memories I had when I was in elementary, middle school, and high school.

Happiness is doing something that you really love to do not just as a hobby, but also as a job everyday. To me what brings me happiness is writing poems and stories, and posting blog posts here on my blog whenever I can. I am majoring in Creative Writing because I want to share with other people my love for writing and reading. I want to teach and motivate others to see writing as a valuable way to express themselves; just like music, art, and dance let’s us express ourselves in a unique way, so is writing also. To me writing has helped me through my lonely times express myself in a way that it would be difficult for me to express to others around me.

My family always give me a reason to be happy in spite of the challenges and struggles that I have experienced, and still do. My Mom, twin sister, and my ten year-old sister always motivate me and make me smile during the tough times, they help me see that life is beautiful and not dark, lonely, and cold. I really do not have any friends, so I guess I can consider my family as friends right now.

The promise of joining Job Corps makes me happy right now because I have been struggling for a long time to get a job because I really want to support my parents, simply taking online college courses is not going to help my parents enough, so I decided to apply at Job Corps where young adults from 18 to 24 get career technical and education training in several technical careers, while at the same time getting benefits like allowance while getting career technical training, a dormitory to sleep in, three meals a day, and a chance to meet other young adults who are in Job Corps also. I believe that this program will help me develop the skills that I need to get a better career and job to be able to help my parents like they deserve. Hopefully they accept me:) all I can do right now is wait and hopefully I can get in because I really want to be at Job Corps.

Believing in God makes me happy because it helps me realize that He is always with me no matter what happens to me or where I go. It took me a long time to accept him, to learn more Him, and to open my eyes to him; to see that God is my friend and Savior. I know that there have been times were I ignore him, or think that he is not with me, but deep down inside I know that He loves me for who I am.

So what makes you happy? You are welcome to share in the comments section below, I would like to know more about what makes you happy everyday:) Hopefully you all have a happy weekend.



My Happy Video


Hello Everyone:)!

It is interesting and crazy to know that our life can change so quickly from being good to bad, or from being bad to good. Our life is made up of choices that we make and can drastically alter or change our life for the good or bad.
For me making choices is not an easy thing for me to do, sometimes I do not like change because it makes me feel weird, lost, and out of place from the familiar things I used to know, or the people I used to see everyday. Accepting change is something that I am still working on and not fretting it.
These past few days have made me realize that changes have made me see what I need to improve on more. Changes happen for a reason, the hardest part is accepting those changes.

Suddenly change comes to me
Knocking at my door is the
Ever changing friend waiting for me to come to him.
He always comes pleading me
Taking me away,
But I always say no
I always escape.


Why are we able to Believe?

Hello Everyone:),

We are here on earth in order to know and to love God, to do good according to his will, and to go someday to heaven.

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” -1 Timothy 2:4

To be a human being means to come from God and to go to God. Our origin goes back farther than our parents. We come from God, in whom all happiness of heaven and earth is at home, and we are expected in his everlasting, infinite blessedness. Meanwhile we live on this earth. Sometimes we feel that our Creator is near; oftentimes we do not feel his presence. So that we might find the way home, God sent us his Son, who freed us from sin, delivers us from all evil, and leads us unerringly into true life. He is “the way, and the truth, and the life” Jn 14:6.

You cannot imagine at all how much  you interest God; he is interested in you as if there were no one else on earth.” -Julien Green

Why did God create us?

When man loves, his heart overflows. He would like to share his joy with others. He gets this from his Creator. Although God is a mystery, we can still think about him in a human way and say: Out of the “surplus” of his love he created us. He wanted to share his endless joy with us, who are creatures of his love.

“God is love.” -1Jn 4:16b

The measure of love is love without measure.” -St. Francis of Sales


How to Stay Positive :)

Hello Everyone:)!

How is January going so far? For me it has been going great, I have been busy with my Creative Writing course that I am taking online from Southern New Hampshire University, writing articles on Hubpages, and keeping up with my blog here on WordPress:) I like to stay busy so I try to come up with ways to stay occupied in a positive way. There are days when I have felt negative and when I feel negative, I also feel like I do not want to do anything. I just want to stay in my bed and sleep with the blankets on my face and not worry about anything, but I know that I cannot be like that my whole life because I will not go anywhere, or achieve anything positive in my life, anything worthwhile.

Here are six helpful and smart ways to keep yourself positive:

1. Find positiveness when surrounded with negativeness. I always like to see the sun at the beginning of the day because then it reminds me to smile and it lets me know that I will have a great day no matter what happens or will happen during the day. If it is cloudy or raining, then I simply play some really happy, fun, and upbeat music that I can dance to.

Some songs that I am listening to right now:

1. Bean: “Let’s Go”

2. Taylor Swift: “Shake It Off”

3. GroupLove: “Ways to Go”

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People

This is something that I know I was lacking in my High School years and now that I am twenty-three years old, I put so much importance in this. I am always trying to meet new people who think like me, people who have their own dreams and goals that they want to achieve in their life. Before I had friends who would criticize me a’lot about myself and about what I wanted to do with my life that sometimes it got to the point where they would get negative with me. It took me a long time to change the way I thought and to not worry about what other people would say about me, or think about me. It is my life and I have the freedom to make my own positive decisions and choices. I believe that it is essential to be with positive people who will support your dreams and goals.

For me the most positive place to go to is my local Catholic church located in Brea, CA. I attend this Youth and Young Adult group that meets in St. Angela Merici every Thursday at seven in the evening to grow closer to God and to learn more about the Catholic religion, it is also a really fun motivational place where we are all friends and we all support each other in any way we can. I started going to the meetings in April 2013, the meetings truly have changed my life in a way that I never thought would happen to me. Attending church has helped me grow closer to God and Jesus Christ more than ever. I also made friends that had the same dreams and goals that I have. My second positive place has always been the library because of course, books have always been my true first friends:)



3. Take Things in your Life slowly, do not force yourself to do things quickly. Honestly it is not healthy to try to do things quickly just because you are afraid that you might not get to where you want to go. We are all conditioned to eat fast because at work we were trained that way, and so when we are eating at home we are not able to break that habit because it is something that we do everyday.

I try to enjoy things that i do or eat slowly and savor the moments slowly because then they will pass you by without you even noticing them they were there. Like Ferris Bueller said: “Life moves pretty quickly, if you don’t stop once in a while you might miss it.”


4. Do not Create a Mountain of Problems. Impulsive and anger can often cause us to create a small problem into a bigger problem, this can lead to more anger, and negativity coming to us. I have a history of doing this and let me tell you! it is not pleasant. The next time that you feel like this instead of making your next problem bigger, why not try to stop, take a few deep breaths, and refocus yourself. Ask yourself over what could be possible solutions for your problem, or better yet, you can talk it over with a friend. Friends can help you find a possible solution to your problem.


5. Do not let Fear hold you back. This is something that I have let happen to me before and do not want it to happen to me again. Everyday I hold on to positive thoughts because I know positive thoughts will help me get through the bad times I experience. If I want to learn something new, I will learn it because I want to. I am not going to lie to you, but there are still days when negativity tries to get to me, but once I remember a positive quote or a song with motivational lyrics then my thoughts and feelings change back from negative to positive. Usually if I get nervous trying something that means that I am conquering my fear, and that is something great!:)


6. Spread the Positivity. I may not have enough money to donate to a charity because I am not a millionaire, but when I can I try to help out in whatever way possible. I mostly like to help my parents right now because I know how tired they always come home from work, so them knowing that there is someone helping them, is a big difference for them because they do not have to worry about cooking something to eat, or cleaning the house. I like the satisfaction of helping others with just a simple smile and “Hello.”


Self -Confidence is Important

Hello Everyone :-)!

I did not always have self-confidence. When I was younger I would often be told by my Aunt Carmen, and my Mom whenever they saw me walking outside with my head on the floor. They always ended up telling me if I had low self-confidence in myself, or if I was hiding something from them, scared I would always reply that I honestly was not hiding something away from them, and secondly, that I did not have a low self-esteem.



I later realized at 13 years old that I did not always have self-confidence in myself. I was always worrying about what my parents and other might think of me, constantly worrying if everyone around me will like me. I would sometimes exaggerate if someone did not like me. Not having self-confidence kept me away from taking risks and trying new things.

Today I am slowly learning to embrace myself in a positive way and learning to accept myself both on the inside and outside.

Having self-confidence will help us get to where we want to go and will help us achieve our goals and dreams in life.

“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”      -Helen Keller

“Perhaps I am stronger than I think.”    -Thomas Merton






December 23, 2014

Hello Everyone :-)!

December 23 was such a great and awesome day 🙂 I cannot stop thinking about how motivating and wonderful it was to reunite with an old friend and spend time with Jesus Christ. I am so glad I decided to go visit my friend Mayra’s Christian church that is in Chino, California. I met Mayra’s whole family, they are all involved in the

church that they go to that it even inspired me to go back to volunteering as a lector in my church, St. Angela Merici.

The kids that go to the church did really great Christmas performances both in dancing and singing. There was also a twenty-two year-old young men who sings Christian music, his name is Alvinson, he only sang in Spanish so I was able to understand and enjoy the music he was playing 🙂 Christian music always gets me in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

The food was awesome, but all in all what really mattered was that I got to spend it with my friend Mayra, Jesus Christ, and meet some new friends.

My Life in Quotes: Introduction

Hello Everyone :-)!

Life can seem like it is swallowing you apart with all of the problems coming to you, it sometimes seems that the problems will never end for us, that they will keep on coming and going, then new ones come.

Here are song lyrics and quotes that I will always keep close to my heart and mind. Hope these quotes help you, as they are helping me also.

For me, life like many others, faced the same ups and downs that I have. I have learned the hard way that life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Each of us in this world will face our own challenges and problems in a positive way. For me overcoming my fears and doubts ( which I still have many), has always been by reading motivational quotes and song lyrics.

These are a collection of sonng lyrics and quotes that I like and that I know I will always keep close to my heart and mind.

To take the Advice, Or Not

Hello Everyone,

As a young adult now still growing up and still learning, it is at times tough for me to listen to others words of wisdom especially when it involves my parents. I know that being twenty-three years old means that i no longer have to obey by my parents rules and that now I am free to do whatever I want.


But just because I am twenty-three does not mean that I no longer have to follow anyone’s advice. I sometimes tend to ignore an advice that I at first do not realize how that advice could have helped me until much later, when I either have already done something stupid to make the problem more worse than how it already was, or did not take the chance to try that advice.

“Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that’s no reason not to give it.”
            -Agatha Christie

How many of you have ever ignored a really good advice that someone from your family, or even a friend have told you to do?


Without being bossy or unpleasant, I will give advice when I think it is important-even if I risk irritating someone like me.

This is true for me, I have realized that I have been countless of times like this with my younger sister, Andrea where she gets really annoyed at me when I keep on giving her the same advice many times. I have been annoyed also at my parents whenever they would give me advice repeatedly that there were times when I wished that they were not so annoying and preachful. But I know that the people that care for me the most are always going to be like that to me.


So a word of wisdom: please do not ignore an advice from someone you know deeply cares for you.