Monthly Archives: May 2019

Saying Goodbye to Regrets

It’s been a while since I last posted but kid you guys not being a Mom to a 1 year old daughter who is in her tantrums stage and an 11 month old who just loves his mommy too much that my hands are rarely hand-free nowadays so I am will do my best to post in here more often.

Regrets! What can I say, this is something that I have been thinking for quite a while ever since I started my online business in a health and wellness company, and now that I am a mom of two it’s been something that I want to share right here because I think it’s something that everyone would relate to.

People have accepted as regret as something that everyone has. Regret is just something that happens. But ever since I started doing self-development I have come to realize that living with regrets is not healthy, it’s just something that shackles you and doesn’t let you live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

It’s time that we stop living in regrets and just do whatever it is that I have always wanted to do! For me it’s getting my Associates in Early Childhood Education and work at a preschool. Promote to Ruby in my online business and beyond, I want to create a better life for my family and save enough money for me and my boyfriend’s first car.

There are many things I want to do in my life that regret is something I don’t want to feel anymore. So I’m saying goodbye to regrets and I’m saying Hello to new opportunities and the promise of an even awesome and better life for myself and my family. 💕🙏🙌🏼✨