Tag Archives: Easter Sunday

My Savior

Jesus Christ my savior
The one who rescued me from the embers of fire.
He is with me day and night.
He sheltered me on my darkest days.
Showed me the light of happiness.
He is the reason why I am still alive.
He makes me believe in rising up once more when the tides are high.
In Him I find comfort and joy.
Even though I may stray away from Him from time to time,
Somehow I always go back to Him.

Happy Easter Sunday everyone! 🙂



‘Peace be with You’: Believing in Jesus

Hello Everyone:)!

Sorry if I have not posted anything but these past few days have been full of reflection, and being busy that I did not have time to post anything, or there are days when something worth posting has hit me to post about it.
Last Sunday was Easter Sunday and it was such a great and joyful experience seeing many people come to Sunday Mass at St. Angela Merici, mostly because of course it was Easter and many people go to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I enjoyed listening during Mass the beautiful music and the bible story of how Jesus resurrected on the third day. 


This Sunday, was the second Sunday of Easter which means that its again another day of celebrating our Savior Jesus Christ and how great it is to believe in Him when we have been doubting, or not believing in Him. The Bible story of today’s Mass, is about Thomas one of the disciples who did not believe that Jesus Christ was back and that the rest of the other disciples had seen Him, and believed He was back. It was not until later that Thomas saw Jesus, and invited Thomas to prove his wounds; that in so Thomas upon touching Jesus and seeing his wounds that he believed it was really Jesus Christ himself who came back.


When I read this bible story today, it was a story I could relate to because of the many times I had shut down Jesus Christ from my life, there were times when I would not believe that Jesus was with me, watching over me; I would especially feel like that whenever I had a really tough dark moment or day. Believing that Jesus Christ loves me and is always with me during those dark times was, and still is at times a challenge for me.


I am learning to believe everyday that Jesus Christ does love so much, and that he is always with me no matter how many times I doubt him; just like Thomas was doubting at first.

“The victory is for those who believe that Sunday is always on the way!”

