Tag Archives: freedom

Two things I Learned in My Teen Years

Hello Everyone ☺️

I have lately been nostalgic about my teen years. I guess being 25 years-old makes me want to reminiscing about my years growing up in Orange County. 

Whenever I think about my teenage years, I think of the two things that I learned, the first is having self-confidence in my physical image, and in my own self that I can accomplish my own dreams and goals. Then the second one is not letting other people’s negative comments and opinions about me bring me down.  

In high school I would often tell my parents that I wanted to be an actress and be on movies, and television shows; they thought I was just in a phase of dreaming big and not thinking realistically in choosing a career. But I honestly did want to study acting and be a professional. I took two years of theatre in my sophomore and senior year of high school to prove my parents that I seriously wanted to study acting as a career and job, but I made the huge mistake and regret of letting my mom tell me not to study acting because it wasn’t a realistic career for me to take. I listened to her instead of taking the big risk of going on my own to study acting. 

I have learned to not let other people, such as my mom make desicions for me based on what I should do in my life. I have learned to think for myself and what I want to do in my life. 

It is important to have the freedom and happiness to choose what career or job we want to do in life, no matter what friends, family, or others say. Loving my true self is important too. Oftentimes in high school and middle school, I would often wish to be good-looking and perfect as other girls in magazines or in my school, but it took me a long time to love, and appreciate my own outer beauty. I have come to love my petite height, my younger-than-my-age physical image, my imperfect nose, and my bushy, frizzy curly black hair. I am done wishing I could be perfect, those days of being miserable about my image are long gone. 

Now I love and embrace my imperfect self. 🙂❤️

What Freedom Means to Me

Hello Everyone,

When people hear of freedom, they think of the government creating new ways for people to be free. When i think of freedom i think of the rights and freedom that i have to go out and do what i want without being afraid or someone tell me, “oh you can’t do this or that.
Freedom to me is being able to choose what we want to do with our life. I want to do alot of things in my life because honestly i am still young, so being able to have the freedom to plan out what goals i want to make happen is a freedom i am grateful for having.
We may not have the freedom to choose who we love in our family, but we can certainly have the freedom choose  to love someone outside our family.
To me having freedom is essential because it helps us grow and learn more about ourselves, and also helps us experience life in a meaningful way.
It saddens me to hear that in other countries around the world, people are restricted of the basic human rights and freedoms that we all need in order to grow as a person.
