Tag Archives: birthday

I’m Back for Good:)

Hello Everyone:)!

Sorry I have not been posting anything on my blog for the past few months but I have been really busy with learning to be more social and catching up on my creative writing assignments, and my administrative medical assistant trade program that I started in May; that I seriously did not have time to post. But now that I am on a two week break I get to have enough time to post on my blog and just reconnect with all of my followers and readers.

June 26 was my birthday and I got to celebrate it with my family:) We went to eat at Hometown Buffet then I got some clothes as presents, so it was just a relaxing weekend for me I did not go all out and did a huge party, maybe I will do that for my 25th birthday party. All I can say is that my birthday was special and something that I will never forget.

It’s my birthday

I am blessed to be alive, to be free.

Flowers bloom in the summer sun

welcoming me, singing Happy Birthday.

I go out listening to their sweet inviting music

With a bunch of colorful balloons in my hand,

I fly way up high into the clear blue summer sky.

birthday balloons:)
birthday balloons:)